07879 051 887
Project specialist: Photocopiers
Neil joined ERA in September 2015, following in his father Brian’s footsteps to become part of ERA’s Photocopier Team.
Since then, he has worked with clients in various sectors to help to deliver long term solutions with cost effective suppliers offering the highest level of service.
He works to build an understanding of each client’s current contracts and obligations to create a clear timeline for the project, and to ensure that there are no hidden surprises as machines come to be replaced.
By engaging with stakeholders at an early stage, Neil is able to understand current and future requirements and approach suppliers that are able to meet each client’s individual needs.
Once a new solution has been implemented, Neil is on hand to provide analysis of usage and give helpful insights as to how to further reduce costs through user education and process changes. During this stage, he will also monitor supplier service performance to ensure client satisfaction.
Barristers’ Chambers
24 photocopiers with a single incumbent supplier
74% saving with new supplier
South Coast
14 devices and strong relationship with local supplier
£10k+ savings per annum while retaining current supplier
Multi Academy Trust
21 sites, 10 suppliers
Consolidated to a single supplier, with one point of contact
Consolidated to a single supplier, with one point of contact