Right now, most sectors are experiencing turbulence.
Whether it’s a shortfall in labour caused by the pandemic, a steep rise in packaging prices, interrupted supply chains or skyrocketing fuel costs, 63% of companies are navigating some form of disruption.
The agrifood sector, however, is different.
That’s because it’s experiencing all these challenges and more, simultaneously.
Decisions and events on one side of the world can have significant impacts on the food production of the other. They can influence dramatic price increases, squeezing a company’s profit margins.
What’s being done to help?
Well, for member states, the EU is proposing a lump sum payment to farmers, who regularly bear the brunt of agrifood’s pain.
In the UK, however, the government has not yet confirmed plans to offer a similar lifeline.
Whatever action governments are taking, your business should be prepared to weather the ongoing storm.
What can you do?
One method is to optimise the procurement within your most significant areas of spend.
Download our latest insights today to find out how.
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"Whether it's a shortfall in labour caused by the pandemic, a steep rise in packaging prices, interrupted supply chains or skyrocketing fuel costs, 63% of companies are navigating some form of disruption."